Demo Update (More of Chapter 1)

Hi guys! It's that time again. The demo has been updated from ~18k words to almost 29k now. It's a smaller update but gets us to about the halfway point with chapter one. The update frequency vote is still going but it's looking like I'm gonna be sticking with what I was doing - updating when it feels right - so this is probably going to be the last update for at least a month or two as I'll probably be working on a longer, bigger update after this since I want chapter one completely done for the next update so we can get onto chapter two.

(Spoilers for the update) In this chapter you can:

  • Experience the consequences of your opinion on Sonia's cloak
  • Go sweet shopping
  • Learn more about the institutions of the continent Bladeweaver takes place in, Phanol
  • Get into an altercation and choose how you respond to adversity
  • Meet the elusive mage (and the closest adult that isn't Callen or Sonia) Archer Ryburn
  • Discover a revelation with dire implications

Hope you enjoy the update! If there are any issues you come across, don't hesitate to send me a message or ask on Tumblr or Discord if you find them and I'll try to fix ASAP.

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